8 Tips for a Special Maid of Honor Speech for Sisters


Your sister’s wedding is a happy moment that’ll only happen once in your life. But, if you’re also your sister’s maid of honour, you have double duty. First, as the sister of the bride, you’re a natural choice to support the bride and groom in every way you can. But as maid of honour, you have more ‘official’ duties too. And a special maid of honour speech for sisters may be one of the most important.  

8 Tips for a Maid of Honour Speech For Your Sister’s Wedding

First, trust in yourself. A great speech comes from the heart and you’re uniquely qualified to do so for your sister. Here are some things to consider for a great wedding speech.

  1. Share Memories – Especially funny memories from when you were children, but also stories from school or when you socialized together.
  2. Tell How Your Sister Inspires You – Whether you’re a younger sister or older, mention ways and times that your sister got your admiration and appreciation for setting a good example.
  3. Reveal a Secret You Kept Together – It could be something you hid from your parents, or a secret nickname you had for each other.
  4. Include the Groom – Maybe with a funny story or say when you knew the groom was the right partner for your sister.

Other Bridesmaid Speech Tips

  1. Don’t Make it Too Long – In addition to needing to leaving time for other speeches, you don’t want your speech to be longer than the bride’s speech. Try to keep it to five minutes or less.
  2. Write a Good Introduction – Introduce yourself. Don’t presume everyone knows that you are the bride’s sister. Thank the bride for giving you the privilege of being the maid of honour. Also consider thanking the bridal party, and the families of the bride and groom.
  3. Avoid Embarrassing Stories – Even if it’s a funny memory you share with your sister, avoid telling a story that could embarrass her.
  4. End on a High Note – Make it a happy or upbeat story; offer best wishes for a life together to your sister and new ‘brother-in-law’, and toast the bride.

It’s natural to be nervous about making a speech as a bridesmaid for your sister’s wedding. One way to help calm them is to visit the wedding venue in Durham Region with your sister beforehand to familiarize yourself with the room and staff who are there to help you.

If you enjoyed this post, check out our recent article about three creative bridesmaid proposal ideas.

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