6 Reasons Why Fall is a Great Time for Golf

It’s a familiar lament for golfers in the Greater Toronto Area: “Wouldn’t it be great if we could golf all year round like they do in Myrtle Beach?!”

There’s no denying that the golf season in Southern Ontario is shorter than places south. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have times of the year when you can enjoy a round of golf here that would be the envy of golfers around the world.

If you’ve ever suffered through a sweltering round of golf in the middle of July in places like Myrtle Beach, you’ll know what we mean. Which golfer wouldn’t appreciate playing on a course surrounded by the rich colours of a crisp and clear autumn day?

Of course, it would be nice to play right here at home in the middle of January, but the reality is that we can’t. Instead, we encourage all local golfers to embrace and celebrate those times when we can enjoy a round, and fall is as good a time as any.

In case the beautiful settings aren’t enough to get you on the course this fall,

Here are just a few more reasons why fall is a great time for golf.

1. It’s Less Crowded & More Relaxed

While there are fall days that can be nearly as warm and bright as a summer day, you won’t have to contend with as many packed foursomes ahead of and behind you. That means a little more time to enjoy your round at your pace and less chance of an anxious group behind you watching your every shot.

2. You’re Hot

If you’ve golfed regularly throughout the summer, your game is probably the best it’s been all year. By playing in the fall when you’re in top form, you can take your game to heights it hasn’t been to and have less downtime before you get on course again in the spring.

3. Reduced Rates

Many courses will reduce their rates after September 30th to encourage more people to play. You get great golf and keep more cash in your pocket.

4. Challenge Yourself

There’s no doubt that some fall conditions can present unique challenges to your game. In addition to cooler temperatures, winds can be stronger, and course conditions can be more damp, especially in the mornings. Instead of sitting at home watching the Golf Channel, get on the course and take up the challenge. You’ve brought your game to its best for the season by golfing through summer’s more ideal conditions. Imagine how much it will improve if you put it to the test in the fall.

5. Set-Up for Your Winter Golf

If you and your golf partners regularly take a golf vacation to keep your game in shape during the winter, golfing in the fall will bridge the gap. That way, you’ll be the one getting the free dinner and drinks when you win the round down south.

5. Courses are in Great Shape

Summer’s heat can stress even the best irrigation and course maintenance systems. But grass actually enjoys a rich growth spurt in the fall. In addition to the bright colours, now’s the time to enjoy a lush course that’s benefitted from a full season of grooming.

6. Great Time for a Lesson to Tune-Up Your Game

No matter how well you’re golfing, it’s always good to get regular lessons to make sure you keep your swing in shape. But that can be tough in the middle of summer. During the fall, golf pros are more likely to have the time for lessons, and maybe even devote a little more personalized time to help you improve your game.

We don’t like to boast, but the course here at Royal Ashburn is as beautiful as any in the autumn. If you’d like to extend your golf season in our beautiful surroundings this fall, just give us a call.

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